Serviceplan for Austria Solaragency – The first annual report powered by the sun

Annual reports—traditionally soul-crushing visual creations—are suddenly getting creative. First, we had the eyewear maker that packaged its annual report as an eye-catching infographic. Now, we have a stunning annual report from the Austria Solar trade association—whose text and graphics are invisible until revealed by sunlight.The work is an elegant expression of the constant radiating power of the sun and an eye-catching way for Austria’s pre-eminent solar trade association to associate themselves with innovative thinking.

Creative director Cosimo Möller says he was working on a terrace when inspiration struck. “It was one of the last sunny days in October,” he says. “The sun was shining on my notepad and was reflected so intensely that I wasn’t able to read my words anymore. So, the idea was born: Does it work the other way round?”

This brilliantly crafted annual report for Verband Austria is almost a sure bet to pick up a Cannes Design Lion.

Advertising Agency: Serviceplan
Chief Creative Officer: Alexander Schill
Creative Director: Christoph Everke, Cosimo Möller, Alexander Nagel
Art Director: Matthäus Frost
Graphic Design: Matthäus Frost, Mathias Nöselfilming

BMW M3 Coupé – Light Wall Reflection

The brief was to promote the BMW M3 Coupé with a very special billboard at the Hamburg airport – a 50 x 2m light wall in the middle of the arrivals hall. The BMW M3 Coupé is one of the fastest coupés in the world. Its performance really exceeds all expectations. Our aim was to transport the benefits of the product, as well as to get the most out of the advertising space.

Checking the location and realising the shiny, reflecting floor in the rather dark arrivals hall, we came up with the idea to work with the reflection.
For a car that knows no boundaries, we created a billboard that doesn’t either. We designed a headline out of a special font: letters, which can be mirrored. Their reflection on the shiny floor made them complete.

We created a campaign that illustrated the brand- and product-values: through innovation – one of the most important brand values – BMW manages to achieve more than what seems possible. The billboard exceeded its maximum for a car that exceeds maximums. We reached the 1.07 million people passing* in a way no normal billboard would have reached them.
Furthermore, we simply doubled the media space and the attention – which saved us 41,000 Euros of media budget.
* Source: Hamburg Airport, for our publication time between October and December 2010

Advertising Agency: Serviceplan, Munich
Chief Creative Officer: Alexander Schill
Creative Director: Maik Kaehler, Christhoph Nann
Copywriter: Andreas Schriewer
Art Director: Manuel Wolff, Roman Becker
Year: 2011
Gold Lion (Design Lion)

Serviceplan for Santec Security Systems – No escape

Gas Station (2009)

The goal was too show all opportunities of video control systems in an surprising way. The strategy was to show, how impossible it is to escape, once you’re caught by a security-camera.
Chief Creative Officer: Alexander Schill
Creative Director: Axel Thomsen
Art Director: Till Diestel
Copywriter: Rudolf Novotny
Production Company: Cobblestone Filmproduction
Director: Pekka Hara
Silver Lion

ATM (2009)

Chief Creative Officer: Alexander Schill
Creative Director: Axel Thomsen
Art Director: Till Diestel
Copywriter: Rudolf Novotny
Production Company: Cobblestone Filmproduction
Director: Pekka Hara

Bank/Jewellers (2010)

Chief Creative Officer: Alexander Schill
Creative Director: Maik Kaehler, Christoph Nann
Art Director: Till Diestel
Copywriter: Rudolf Novotny
Illustrator: CDaniel Kramer

Prison (2011)

Once a thief is in the focus of a Santec video camera there’s barely a chance not to be identified by the police and end up in jail. In other words: There is no way to escape. To show this fact in a surprising way, we made a spot in which the delinquents literally experience how quickly they will end up in jail after getting filmed by a Santec security camara. While robbing a private house, the picture suddenly freezes the thieves. A team of Santec workers enter the room and changes the crime scene into a prison cell. After the last worker leaves the scene again, the picture moves on and the deliquents find themself in a prison cell – quiet irritated about what happened. So once they enter the picture, they can’t escape jail anymore. The goal was too show all opportunities of video control systems in a surprising and entertaining way. The strategy was to show, how impossible it is to escape, once you’re caught by a security-camera.
Chief Creative Officer: Alexander Schill
Creative Director: Maik Kaehler, Christoph Nann
Art Director: Till Diestel
Copywriter: Rudolf Novotny, Marc Vosshall
Production Company: Cobblestone Filmproduction
Director: Axel Laubscher
Bronze Lion

UHU – The Stickiest Ad in the World

Insights, Strategy & the Idea
To convey the product advantages “fast” and “strong” of UHU one-second adhesive in such a way that they would ‘stick’ in the target group’s minds.
Basically everyone knows, and uses, UHU.
Compared to our competitors, we are faster and stronger. That is where the idea comes from.
It showed the product features both clear and unseen.

Creative Execution
The ‘stickiest’ UHU ad ever. We took over a complete commercial break. In the first UHU ad, a man hangs his coat on a hook that he stuck onto the wall just a second before. In the following three ads from other companies, the coat remains unmoved, in the centre of the picture. In the final UHU ad, a young woman hangs her bag on the hook. Payoff: Super-strong. And super-fast. UHU one-second adhesive.

Results and Effectiveness
Click-through rates from the website during the time the campaign was on air rose by 14%. In additon to that, numerous comments were posted on blogs as moderators of the sequence, interrupted by advertising, focussed on the ad.

Advertising Agency: Serviceplan, Munich

Executive Creative Director: Matthias Harbeck
Chief Executive Creative Director: Alex Schill
Creative Directors: Matthias Harbeck, Oliver Palmer
Copywriter: Oliver Palmer
Art Director: Therese Stüssel
Production Company: Neverest, Munich
Film Director: Helmut Huber

Lego (1981/2011) – Builders of Creativity


An extremely clever ad — one from your childhood. A slightly surreal look at all the things you can make out of a box a Lego. Narrated by Tommy Cooper, a battle ensues between a mouse which, when threatened by a cat, turns into a dog. The cat turns into a dragon and so on, to a submarine and a submarine-eating kipper. The submarine eventually morphs into an elephant, the mouse rebuilds and the elephant faints. Lego: It’s a new toy every day — just like that!
Agency: TBWA London
Creative: Mike Cozens; Graham Watson
Director: Ken Turner
Production: Clearwater Films
Producer: David Mitten
Director of Photography: Tom Harrison
Editor: Patrick Udale
Year: 1981
Grand Prix

Lego representations of famous people: a dinosaur (Spielberg), a bed (Madonna), a football (Pele), windows (Bill Gates), a man levitating (David Copperfield), a broken man (Mike Tyson).
Agency: DM9 Publicidade
Creative Director: Nizan Guanaes
Copywriter: Nizan Guanaes
Production Company: Jodaf/Joao Daniel Film
Director: Joao Daniel Tikhmoiroff
Year: 1995
Gold Lion


Agency: JWT Publicidade
Creative Director: Anselmo Candido
Copywriter: Ricardo Adolfo
Art Director: Miguel Coimbra
Photographer: Chico Prata
Year: 1998
Bronze Lion

A group of officials arrive at the house of an ordinary boy to discover that he’s created something extraordinary, which he keeps in a box. All ideas start with imagination.
Agency: BBH
Creative Director: John Hegarty
Copywriter: Roger Beckett
Art Director: Andrew Smart
Photographer: Gorgeous Enterprises
Director: Frank Budgen
Year: 1999
Bronze Lion


Headline: All toys, in one
Agency: DPZ Propaganda
Creative Director: Jose Zaragoza/Carlos Rocca
Copywriter: Giovana Madalosso
Art Director: Janaina Pergira
Photographer: Lucio Cunha
Year: 2002


Headline: The power of the brick
Agency: Lowe, New York
Creative Director: Gary Goldsmith/Dean Hacohen/Bruce Hopman
Art Director: Elizabeth Maertens
Year: 2002


Headline: The most interactive toy.
Agency: DPZ, San Paulo
Creative Director: Carlos Silverio/Francesco Petit
Copywriter: Roberto Kilciauskas
Art Director: Fernanda Fajardo
Photographer: Marcel Vieira
Year: 2004


Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Santiago
Creative Director: Cesar Agost Carreno
Copywriter: Felipe Manalich
Art Director: Sergio Iacobelli/Sebastian Alvarado
Photographer: Juab Carlos Sotello
Year: 2005
Grand Prix (Outdoor Lions)


Agency: FCB Johannesburg
Creative Director: Bret Morris
Copywriter: Lance Vinning
Art Director: Lance Vinning/Charles Foley
Photographer: Gerard Turnley
Year: 2006
Grand Prix (Press Lions)


Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Singapore
Creative Director: Andy Greenway
Copywriter: Stuart Harricks/Roger Makak
Art Director: Stuart Harricks
Photographer: Dean Zillwood/IDC
Year: 2006
Silver Lion for the campaign (Press)/Bronze Lion for the campaign (Outdoor)


Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Singapore
Creative Director: Andy Greenway
Copywriter: Stuart Harricks/Roger Makak
Art Director: Stuart Harricks
Photographer: Sam & Boomerang
Year: 2006


Describe the communication goal
LEGO wanted their communication to focus more strongly on the core product: the basic blocks. And at the same time, they still wanted to inspire children of all ages and to stimulate creativity and innovation.
Innovative Media Strategy
Construction sites are normally very boring and makes the surroundings ugly. But by turning the containers placed there into giant LEGO blocks it gave consumers a surprise, making their everyday life a bit more colourful and creative. They could “play on” themselves and start imaging how to build on. As one consumer said: “I was just standing there, waiting for a giant boy to come and build”. The media became the talk of the town. Even the Mayor of Copenhagen was proud of what it did to the city and praised it in several newspapers and television.
Engaging Creativity
LEGO is known for stimulating creativity. Transforming containers on construction sites across the country into giant, colourful LEGO blocks confirmed this for the consumer. And with no logos it also became a pleasent surprise in their everyday life. Was it and ad or wasn’t it? Nobody doubted that LEGO was the brand behind it though.
Encompassing the Audience
By turning containers into outstanding giant LEGO blocks it gave consumers a big surprise, making their everyday life more colourful and creative. In several weeks, the LEGO blocks became the talk of the town.
– Massive media coverage in more than 20 national newspapers and magazines, national television and radio
– City mayors praising the project
– Hundreds of thousands consumers travelling by the blocks led to maximum awareness on the communication goal.
Agency: ADVANCE, Copenhagen
Copywriter: Michael Pedersen
Art Director: Kenneth Opsund
Year: 2006
Agency: IDB/FCB Santiago
Creative Director: Rodrigo Gomez/Michael Angel Cerdeira
Copywriter: Rodrigo Figueroa
Art Director: Michael Angel Cerdeira
Year: 2006
The image is a tribute to “Lunch atop a Skyscraper (New York Construction Workers Lunching on a Crossbeam)”, a photograph taken by Charles C. Ebbets on the 69th floor during construction of the GE Building at Rockefeller Center in 1932.
Agency: JUNG Von MATT, Hamburg

Creative Director: Arno Lindemann/Bernhard Lukas
Copywriter: Daniel Schaeferk
Art Director: Szymon Rose
Photographer: Achim Lippoth
Year: 2007

Agency: Blattler Brunner, Pittsburg
Creative Director: Jay Giesen/Dave Kwasnick
Art Director: Derek Julin
Year: 2007


Describe the objective of the promotion.
Like no other toy, LEGO is a symbol of fun and creativity. To mark the fiftieth birthday of LEGO in Germany, the idea was to rekindle media representatives’ and LEGO partners’ excitement for LEGO with a high-quality mailing.
Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation.
LEGO fan and designer Reginald Wagner conceived, designed and photographed his personal LEGO memories with a pinhole camera to keep them from fading. The book’s format is adapted from the form of an individual LEGO brick. The book cover and the flipside are made of real LEGO plates. Journalists were sent the book and could put their name on the cover and share their memories with the designer.
Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service.
The title of the book POLYPLAYPYLENE means “plastic that has been played with often” and that’s precisely what this book is about. Endless imagination, an endless number of construction combinations and stories from the LEGO worlds: towns, castles and space.
Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results.
The first, exclusive edition is out of print; the feedback was overwhelming. A paperback edition of “Polyplaypylene” is currently in print for wider circulation.
Agency: Kolle Rebbe Werbeagentur GmbH/Korefe
Creative Director: Katrin Oeding
Copywriter: Alexander Barom
Art Director: Reginald Wagner
Photographer: Reginald Wargner
Year: 2007


Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Santiago
Executive Creative Director: Sebastian Alvarado/Nicolas Lopez
Creative Director: Felipe Manalich
Copywriter: Felipe Manalich
Art Director: Felipe Manalich/Sebastian Alvarado
Year: 2008
Shortlist (Press)/Shortlist (Outdoor)RUBIK’S CUBE/BRICK
Agency: JUNG Von MATT, Hamburg
Creative Director: Jan Rexhausen
Art Director: Keat Aun Tan
Photographer: Keat Aun Tan
Year: 2008

Agency: JUNG Von MATT, Hamburg
Creative Director: Fabien Frese/Daniel Frericks/Gotz Ulmer
Copywriter: Sergio Penzo
Art Director: Andre Price
Photographer: Ragnar Schmuck
Year: 2009
Agency: Naga DDB/Rapp Malaysia
Creative Director: Alvin Teoh
Copywriter: Raymond Ng/Ted Lim
Art Director: Chow Kok Keong
Photographer: Chem Kim Mun (360 Degree Studio)
Year: 2009
Headline: It start with a brick
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Singapore
Creative Director: Richard Copping/Andrew Pech
Copywriter: Andrew Pech
Art Director: Jon Loke/ichard Copping
Photographer: Teo Chai Guan
Year: 2009


Agency: JUNG Von MATT, Hamburg
Creative Director: Thim Wagner/Daniel Frericks/Gotz Ulmer
Copywriter: Mathias Muller
Art Director: Damjan Pita/Alexander Musgens
Year: 2009


Advertising School: Escola Cuca, Sao Paolo
Students: Diego Mourau/Gustavo Dorietto/Lucas Mohallem
Year: 2011


Agency: Ogilvy Malaysia
Executive Creative Director: Gavin Simpson/Robert Gaxiola
Creative Director: Eric Yeo
Copywriter: Greg Rawson/Ross Fowler
Art Director: David Stevanov
Year: 2011
Silver Lion for the campaign


Agency: Serviceplan, Munich
Executive Creative Director:Matthias Harbeck
Creative Director: Alex Schill/Oliver Palmer
Copywriter: Frank Seiler
Art Director: Sandra Loibl/Julia Koch
Year: 2011
Bronze Lion for the campaign


Agency: Leo Burnett, Moscow
Creative Director: Mikhail Kudashkin
Art Director: Arina Avdeena
Copywriter: Rodrigo Linhaners
Year: 2011
Gold Lion for the campaign


Agency: Pereira & O’Dell, San Francisco
Executive Creative Director: PJ Pereira
Creative Director: Kash Sree
Copywriter: Jaime Robinson
Art Director: Jason Apaliski
Production Company: Stimmung, Santa Monica
Director: Blue Source
Year: 2011


Creatives: Jacques Denain, Nicolas Dumenil
Year: 2011


Advertising Agency: TBWA, Costa Rica
Creative Director: Byron Balmaceda
Art Director: Gabriela Soto
Copywriter: Byron Balmaceda
Illustrator: Gabriela Soto
Year: 2011

BRICK Campaign

The ads appeared on four consecutive pages. LEGO is a company that has fostered imagination, invention and creativity for over 60 years. So it is unusual for these ads to feature only long copy with minimal imagery. However, upon reading each of these scenarios the ad comes to life in a way that is unique only to the reader and how they see these playtime scenarios in their mind’s eye. Typographic elements of kerning contrasted with tracking allow the reader to almost get lost in the copy selecting keywords for their imagination. The fourth ad in the series, “Yellow Brick” features a notepad with the tagline “Every LEGO brick tells a story. Build yours.”

Advertising Agency: Pereira & O’Dell, Brazil
Chief Creative Officer: PJ Pereira
Creative Director / Copywriter: Aricio Fortes
Creative Director / Art Director: Paulo Coelho
Account Executive: Lo Braz
Illustrator: Eduardo Gomes
Year: 2012

Reporters Without Borders – Special Postmark

Brief Explanation:
The biggest challenge was coming up with a design for the mailshot that worked completely without words, was very different from conventional mailshots and was attention-grabbing as well as making a noticeable reference to the sender’s mission.

Describe the brief from the client:
The International organization Reporters without Borders supports innocently detained journalists worldwide and fights for their discharge. To generate donations to support the organisation’s work and to at the same time achieve media support from newspapers, a mailshot was to be created for the International Human Rights Day that made reference to the organisation’s mission in an unconventional way and immediately set the mailshot apart from others at first glance.

Description of how you arrived at the final design:
A special postage stamp and a specially-designed postmark were designed and, with the support of the Austrian Postal Service, circulated for International Human Rights Day (10.12.2010). This uniquely designed, special edition postmark was used to imprint over a postage stamp depicting an imprisoned journalist. The result showed the portrayed journalist as if behind bars. Together, the portrait ‘Behind Bars’ was created and the mission of the organization made unmistakable. So we communicated our message to the receiver even before it was actually opened.

Indication of how successful the outcome was in the market:
The mailing was a great success. As a result newsarticles supporting the organization Reporters without Borders appeared in 28 newspapers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. This in turn generated donations and publicity.

Advertising Agency: Serviceplan

Chief Creative Officer: Alex Schill
Creative Director: Christoph Everke, Cosimo Möller, Alexander Nagel
Graphic Design: Elena Ressel, Annalena Bottmann